After almost 10 months of hiatus...
For the past 5 months, I felt like I am in a rut, at a limbo or what one may call an early-30s life crisis. Don't get me wrong. I love all the things I'm doing and what I have at present, but I am the kind of person who wants to do more (MAGIS) and be a better version of me, LHEILA 2.0.
Yet lately I have been contemplating of what I should do to get out of this limbo and expand my comfort zone.
And today marks that day that I am finally realizing all the things I want to do and to actually start doing them. All thanks to Maine's (aka Yaya Dub) blog that inspired me to again pursue my life's dreams and passions.
Firstly, my love for writing. I already have a list of topics to write about and post in my blog. I will figure out how to have my own domain. I am working on a book, which is a compilation of all my works.
Secondly, my passion for travel. I want to share all my adventures and misadventures during my travel. Travel really is an opportunity for me to discover and experience new things, learn about cultures and histories, to get my needed break from work and a time to assess and evaluate myself and my life.
Thirdly and most importantly, my calling for service. Being a Jesuit volunteer was one of the best things that ever happened in my life! It changed me to become a better person and to serve the Lord through others. Sadly, I am not doing as much as I want and as much as I can to serve others. Hopefully, aside from being a World Vision sponsor and a legal aid lawyer of IBP-Cam Sur, I can again give my time and effort to other NGOs.
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